E-cigarettes were originally invented as a substitute for cigarettes to reduce the harm caused by people smoking cigarettes. When e-cigarettes were first introduced and sold in the market, they were advertised as a fashionable, discreet way that could help adult smokers quit a potentially fatal habit.
However, as vaping has become a growing fashion trend around the world, concerns have been raised about the potential side effects of vaping. Despite the creation of unique vape cultures, it is essential to educate yourself about the potential health risks associated with e-cigarette use.
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Are E-cigarettes Bad? Effects of Vaping?
Many pieces of research show that e-cigarettes do have a positive effect on quitting smoking and reducing harmful substances in the body. The harmful ingredients in traditional cigarettes, such as carbon monoxide and tar, do not contain in electronic cigarettes.
As a matter of fact, there have been more and more media reports on the dangers of e-cigarettes, including severe lung disease and deaths in the United States and the rest of the world. Some people can’t wait to know does vape have any side effects? In this post, we will discuss some symptoms and side effects of vaping.
• Coughing
Another side effect of vaping is coughing. PG irritates your throat, which may cause a dry cough for many vapers. Coughing may also be related to the wrong way you inhale while vaping.
Many vaping beginners tend to start with mouth to lung inhale with a tight airflow, which won’t cause problems by using a well-suited device. However, if the atomizer is more suitable for lung inhales, it can easily lead to coughing when trying a mouth to lung inhale.
It is recommended to lower the nicotine strength, try a new PG/VG ratio and different ways of inhaling to have a more enjoyable vaping experience.
• Headache
That may sound surprising that one of the most common side effects of e-cigarettes is headache, which may be caused by dehydration. The ingredient in e-juices sucks away the surrounding water, which will lead to dehydration a day later and cause headaches. There is a simple way to solve this problem: drink more water and make sure you are staying hydrated when vaping.
• Popcorn lung
The Popcorn lung is a chronic disease that damages the small airways in the lung. It is so named because workers in the popcorn factory suffered this desease after inhaling the flavour of heating such as diacetyl.
Diacetyl is a flavouring chemical used to impart butter-like and other flavours to food and e-cigarettes. Vapers are worried that vaping may cause popcorn lung due to diacetyl.
Although there are no reports and evidence of popcorn lungs caused by vaping, the manufacture has taken measures to reduce the use of diacetyl. The e-juice produced in the UK or the European Union area is not allowed to add diacetyl.
However, these diseases are closely related to the physical conditions of different people. Some people may cause severe physical reactions due to vaping. If you are worried about diacetyl intake, we recommend you to change e-juice to diacetyl-free.
• Dry mouth
Dry mouth is the most common side effect of vaping. The main reason is the excessive intake of the basic ingredient of e-juice: propylene glycol(PG) and vegetable glycerin(VG). A higher proportion of PG is the main cause of dry mouth, but some of those who vape 100% VG is also experiencing this side effect.
The fastest way to relieve general dry mouth is to use some oral hydration products, such as Biotin. Or you can just simply drink more water to get moisture in your mouth.

• Sore Throat
Pain and itching of the throat may be caused by a number of things: Over intake of nicotine and propylene glycol, excessively stimulate flavourings or even the coil within the atomizer.
There are reports that high nicotine causes sore throat, especially when high levels of propylene glycol are used. Some coils used in electronic cigarettes are nickel-based, and some vapers are allergic to nickel that would bring great discomfort to your throat.
Final Thoughts
To alleviate these feelings of discomfort, you should find out the specific reasons first and then take corresponding follow-up actions. Kindly check the specification of the coil to see whether it contains nickel. If it is related to the wire used in the coil, you should consider replacing other types of coil-like Kanthal.
If it is caused by the e-juice, we suggest you change the e-juice that contains a higher proportion of VG with a smooth taste, or a lower nicotine concentration, such as the mentholated juice.