August 29, 2022

1, Study Warns of ‘Thirdhand’ Smoke

Topic: The dangers of “third-hand” smoke should be a warning.

(What are the dangers of “third-hand” smoke? A new study published in Environmental Science & Technology warns that the dangers of third-hand smoke should not be ignored)

Study Warns of ‘Thirdhand’ Smoke


2, Study: Mice Exposed to Smoke In Utero Had Altered Sleep Patterns As Adults

Study finds that mice exposed to tobacco in utero had altered sleep patterns in adulthood.

Study: Mice Exposed to Smoke In Utero Had Altered Sleep Patterns As Adults


3, Study Says Therapies Including Varenicline Are Most Effective for Smoking Cessation

Study finds that therapies including Varenicline are the most effective for smoking cessation.(A recent systematic review and big data analysis published in Health Technology Assessment claims that therapies including Varenicline are the most effective for quitting smoking.)

Study Says Therapies Including Varenicline Are Most Effective for Smoking Cessation


4, Who’s Left? Vape Companies That Have Received MDOs

Who’s Left? A list of vape companies that have received Marketing Rejection Orders (MDOs)

(There is a long list of vape companies in this article, come to read, maybe you know them)

Author: ayla

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