Seabrook Is Looking To Ban Vape Shop From Opening Into Town

ban vape shop

Seabrook local leaders are tired of vaping and the companies that promote it. They are looking to ban vape shop from opening into town.

Vape businesses have sprouted up everywhere around town after Massachusetts imposed strict regulations in 2019.

In reaction to community and health officials’ concerns, the town’s Planning Board will host a town hall meeting on its proposed zoning amendment to bar additional vaping establishments from opening in town on Nov. 21.

According to Town Planner Tom Morgan, the requested adjustment was authorized by the board at its November 7 meeting.

“It was a 7-0 vote,” Morgan remarked. “Everyone agreed. Many people were worried about the potential risks associated with vaping and its impact on the health of younger generations. Teenagers are being marketed to by the tobacco business.”

Vaping often referred to as e-cigarettes, became a controversy not long after its inception due to many incidences involving young consumers suffering serious and long-term lung damage and disorders. Traditionally, the market provided fruit-flavored as well as menthol vaping goods, which are believed to appeal to younger users.

According to Morgan, the fact-finding carried out prior to the board recommending the proposed vaping business prohibition revealed much data proving the deleterious effects of vaping on well-being, including studies published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine. Furthermore, the US Food and Drug Administration has warned repeatedly of the adverse health effects of vaping.

Author: ayla

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