Addiction is one of the vaping risks. So, if you don’t think vaping is addictive, it may have already altered your brain because a nicotine free vape is by no means a worry-free vape. Supporting this is research by England’s biggest doctors, Doctor Debby Robson who notes that young people are more likely to take risks with their health including the risk of using products that contain nicotine. However, she encourages use of vapes in comparison to cigarettes since its long-term effects are yet to be known. She continues to say that many smokers changed to vaping due to the assurance it was the best choice especially for those who are having trouble with quitting smoking. But does that mean vaping has no risks?
Well, according to Debby’s research, vape only exposes you to a fraction of the toxicants compared to cigarettes. This is because unlike cigarettes which contain tobacco as the main toxicant, vapes are well known for their nicotine concentration. A teen who switched from smoking to vaping said in an interview done by BBC that despite changing from the cigarettes to vapes she ended up feeling worse since she couldn’t go a day without vaping. Evidently, vapes might appear less damaging but are very addictive and withdrawal symptoms can mess up a person because they cause panic attacks.
Addiction to nicotine matters because using nicotine as a young adult may have enduring impacts on attention, learning, and even memory. Youth underestimate how addictive nicotine can be until they start using it and cannot do without it since many of these vapes are disposable and come in different eye catching and tasteful flavors that include bubblegum, blue Roseberry, and collar. The vapes come in a device that is always in the mouth while inhaling or using it and most of the time many of the users have it with them even during sleep time increasing its urge when not used making it easier to be addictive.
Neither smoking nor vaping is beneficial to human health. Based on the available evidence, smoking appears more harmful than vaping however it does not make it safe. Vaping is highly addictive and is marketed to teens and young adults mostly. The nicotine in 1 vape is equivalent to 50 cigarettes but vapes leave young people at an increased risk of depression and anxiety. Continuous use of the substance tends to dissipate effects.
Vaping might be new compared to smoking, but it may normalize smoking again as it is becoming more popular, and its consumption is increasing by the day despite the harm that comes with it like slowing the development of brain in the young adults and teens because it is believed its impact is much less than tobacco smoking. Life is a series of calculated risks…nothing more. Whatever substance one chooses either has a margin of risk and no outcome favors the user by 100%. Therefore, any attempt at anything has a chance of complete failure.