Marijuana vapes are difficult to come across in Vermont stores, and once they are, they are among the most valuable stuff on the shelves. Vape cartridges, as well as their apparel, can cost as much as...
The Community Foundation of Boone County (CFBC) recently awarded four non-profit organizations for combatting teen vaping a corresponding $30,000 grant: SAWs, the Boone County Cancer Society, ILLAD, a...
According to Mission Superintendent Angus Wilson, vaping students have a negative impact on their ability to concentrate and learn. During a discussion with the district last week, mission school prin...
From March 1, 2023, all Wellington hotel venues with outdoor seating on Council property will be vape and smoke free. To support Smokefree Aotearoa 2025, Wellingtonians are being asked to clean up the...
Tempe is considering the impacts of a potential ban on vape sales across the city Professors and students are concerned that Tempe City Council’s planned prohibition of flavored tobacco will be ...
The European Commission’s primary intent to enforce an EU-wide excise tax on new products like vapes, heated nicotine, and tobacco pouches has split key players as to whether it will achieve its...
What are the long-term consequences of vaping for kids? Is there any action being taken concerning it? New research reveals the extent to which addiction has spread. Is it actually true that a growing...
The Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador government has lifted a late-2019 prohibiting the marketing of cannabis vape goods while maintaining a ban on the addition of non-cannabis flavors. A...
Samuel Rose claims he was brought up by a dedicated single mother who advised her seven children to stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. However, five years ago, when a colleague from high s...
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