Based on the continuous advancement in technology, there has been a tilt in the cigarette industry. Currently, traditional cigarettes are being replaced with vapes or e-cigarettes. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the health statuses of traditional cigarette smokers are growing worse by the day. This is because people who smoke traditional cigarettes have a high risk of contracting a respiratory disease or infection, and the following symptoms could be worse once the infections take root. So, as a traditional cigarette smoker, the symptoms of Covid-19 may be severe.
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Is Vaping Healthier than Smoking?
Vaping, on the other hand, is of lesser risk than cigarette smoking. Vapes or e-cigarettes are an amazing way to totally avoid smoking and also stay smoke-free. Besides, it has been well established that vapes are a lot less harmful to the respiratory organ as opposed to traditional smoking.
Moreover, there hasn’t been and there is still no proof that vaping makes you susceptible or vulnerable to diseases. Even if it does, the risk is a lot lower than smoking. However, even though vaping is safer than smoking, there are some things you should consider when vaping.
How to Vape Safely?
In subsequent paragraphs, to have a safe vaping experience, there are vape guides to follow. As we all know, while vaping, there is always a continuous movement from the hand to the face. This poses a severe risk for the virus to enter the body. As a vaper, to lessen the risk of contracting the virus, you must:
Clean Your Vapes
Make sure your e-cigarette is cleaned regularly. Immediately after vaping, endeavour to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your face. Ensure you wash your hands even more often than necessary for at least, up to 20 seconds with soap and water ( You could use a sanitiser if the soap is unavailable) Make sure you vape in places that are well maintained and tidy.

Avoid vaping in public places
It is beyond necessary to observe these processes because they’ll ensure your safety while vaping especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. So, if vaping helped you to completely stay away from traditional cigarettes, it is a really good thing and you mustn’t return to it.
In a certain interview, Riccardo Polosa, an Italian scientist thoroughly explained that vapes are a “reduced-risk” product. He also said that they help in the improvement of people who have had a pretty long history of smoking traditional cigarettes. So, as a vaper, you should remain with the latest e-cigarette development. By doing so, you’ll be saving yourself and your respiratory organs from any stress.
Final Thoughts
With the rise of the Covid-19 pandemic, there have been a lot of health problems and complications, and as such, it is essential we carry out all our activities with caution. As you have seen, it has claimed the lives of thousands worldwide and is still claiming hundreds daily. Even now, many countries are still in lockdown mode and there are still restrictions given the spread of the virus.
For vaping, sharing is a huge NO! You must never share the same e-cigarette with someone else, not even a relation. Also, be careful about how to keep and expose your e-cigarettes. Ensure it is kept in an enclosed and neat place and make sure you vape in a confined area. Stay safe, vapers.