Vapers Tongue: Everything You Need to Know About Symptoms, Causes and Cure

Vaper Tongue
vapers tongue

Ever noticed that your favorite e-liquid has begun to taste bland? Don’t fret; you’re not alone. You’re likely experiencing a condition called the “vapers tongue.”

What is Vaper’s Tongue?

Vaper’s tongue is a condition that makes a vaper experience lessened or completely reduced flavors while vaping. If you’ve been vaping continuously for quite some months, the vapor forms a thick layer on your tongue, blocking your sense of taste while hindering you from getting the best flavors out of your juice.

Symptoms of vaper’s tongue can include

By default, the tongue or taste bud is designed for five different tastes – sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and a savory taste (umami). But once you begin to notice a sharp decline in your taste bud, then it’s likely you have the vaper’s tongue, especially when you observe the following symptoms:

  • numb tongue
  • failure to taste your much-loved e-liquid flavour or
  • experiencing a nasty taste from your daily vape device

9 Ways to Cure the Vaper’s Tongue


Stay hydrated 

Dehydration, resulting from insufficient water intake, is always a major reason for many ailments, including “Vaper’s Tongue”. You can avoid this condition by sipping two or three glasses of water while vaping.

Get familiar with vaping different flavors

Have you been vaping the same flavour consistently for a long time? Your taste buds will become very familiar with the flavour. To avoid vaper’s tongue, try some different varieties of e-juice flavours.

Quit Smoking

Naturally, smoking cigarettes is known to damage the human senses of smell and taste. If you shuffle between smoking and vaping at the same time, there’s a high likelihood that you’ll develop a “Vaper’s Tongue.” Stop smoking for good.

Enjoy every puff of your vaping

Being overly stressed and weighed down with anxiety and depression doesn’t concentrate on enjoying the moment. The same applies to vape, even though it helps to reduce anxiety and stress. But if you’re not focused on the moment and enjoying your vape device, then you won’t get the best out of your e-liquid’s taste and flavor.

Reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake 

Caffeine, alcohol, and dehydration are a match made in heaven. Upon ingestion, alcohol and caffeine-infused beverages make the mouth waterless, leaving you feeling thirsty and urinating more often. And as mentioned earlier, dehydration can lead to vaper’s tongue. So you should cut back on caffeine and alcohol intake if you want to enjoy your vape juice.

Clean your tongue 

Vapor forms a thick layer on your tongue, blocking your sense of taste while hindering you from getting the best flavors out of your juice. That’s why brushing your tongue is a good way to cure vaper’s tongue. Cleaning your mouth with tongue scrapers will not only remove the layer that has accumulated in your mouth but also help you enjoy the optimal flavor from your vape.

Allow longer breaks in between vapes

Chain vaping has a side effect on smell and flavor receptors. You can reduce your vape time by simply increasing your nicotine level. By so doing, increased nicotine would serve you for an extended time, giving your taste buds ample time to rest before taking another hit.

Reset your taste bud with lemon juice

Like coffee beans, sucking on a lemon fruit can help reset your taste buds and get rid of your vaper’s tongue condition.

Vape Unflavored

Vaping unflavored e-juice is another creative way to cure the Vaper’s Tongue condition. Vaping unflavored juice seems like you’re pausing vaping, yet without actually doing so. However, unflavored vape does not have much taste – only a minor sweet taste – so you won’t be missing out on any flavor.

What to do if the condition persists?

Consult your doctor or dentist if the vaper’s tongue persists because there may be other underlying factors creating the problem. Feel free to explore our website to learn more about vaping and some of the best CBD vape brands money can buy.

MVR Team
Author: MVR Team

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