Do you prefer to vape your cannabis than smoke it? You’ll need just two items: a bit of THC vape juice and a vape pen used for atomizing it. This article will guide you through all you should know concerning THC vape juice to give you a clear understanding of it and how to handle it.
As you continue reading, you’ll also get tips on how to make your own THC vape juice as well as how to measure dosage to achieve the maximum high. Let’s get going.
Table of Contents
Basics of Vape Juice
Vape juice (commonly referred to as e-liquid or e-juice) is a mix of vegetable glycerin (VG), propylene glycol (PG), food-grade flavoring and nicotine.
Vape juice first appeared on the scene at a time when e-cigarettes were originally developed as an alternative to traditional cigarettes. Because of this, well-informed people only ever use the term “vape juice” (on its own) to describe a liquid that:
- Is utilized as a cigarette substitute
- Contains nicotine
Therefore, much like other cannabis-related terminology, it is inaccurate to refer to vape juice when, in an actual sense, you mean THC vape juice. In case you do, people in the know could be perplexed.
Specifically include vape juice when discussing a cigarette alternative (with or without additional nicotine). When discussing vaping to achieve the maximum high, mention THC vape juice.

THC Vape Juice: What Is It?
Except for the addition of a THC concentrate, THC vape juice is essentially the same as vape juice in which it contains flavoring, PG, VG, and nicotine.
THC concentrates come in the following forms:
- Tincture
- Liquid THC
- CO2 extraction
Also, you can opt for cannabis oil, often known as Rick Simpson oil, provided you dilute it prior to heating. You will get to learn more about that in this article’s section Is it Possible to Make Your Own THC Vape Juice at Home?
What Consequences Does Vaping THC Juices Have?
The impact of smoking a high-THC strain will be identical to those of THC vape juice since it is essentially concentrated THC. The following are some of the most common THC vape juice effects:
- Hunger (commonly known as the munches)
- Euphoria
- High receptivity to stimuli
- Time distortion
The extent to which the effects hit the user is highly dependent on the composition of the body, and metabolism, alongside many other factors.
Meaning that the quantity of THC vape juice (the amount of tokens) that might make you very high might not have any impact on another person.

Is THC Vape Juice Linked to Any Health Risks?
Just like in the case of other THC products, there is always a likelihood of a negative experience. Since THC vape juice is composed of high THC strains, there is a low level of CBG, CBN, or CBD in them.
THC’s effects are moderated by these cannabinoids, making them more pleasant. Excess THC with no CBD component and similar compounds can result in:
- Unconsciousness (not the pleasant one)
- Vomiting
- Paranoia
- Debilitating anxiety
Therefore take precautions when using THC vape juice for the first time. Nothing is more disheartening than having a bad trip … more so when it’s a preventable occurrence.
Is THC E-Liquid Legal?
The answer to that question can either be yes or no. That sounds confusing, right? However, that’s exactly how the marijuana laws in the United States sound. Basically, it depends on where you reside.
In some states, both medicinal and recreational marijuana is legalized, while in others, only medicinal marijuana is legal. Hopefully, your home is in one of these states or you live in the suburbs. In case your state has banned both types of cannabis, then you’re indeed unlucky.
If you’re such a person, all you need to adopt is patience. Maybe there will be a change in the future.
If your state of residence has legalized recreational marijuana (and you’ve attained a particular age), you can visit your local dispensary to buy yourself THC vape juice. In case your state of residence has only legalized medicinal marijuana, you’ll have to get a doctor’s prescription.
In case neither of these is legalized in your state, then sorry, because you’re just not lucky.

Is it Possible to Make THC Vape Juice at Home?
Definitely. You can actually employ various techniques to come up with a homemade THC vape juice, but each with its own merits and demerits. The easiest way (not necessarily the fastest) is to create a tincture. And then that tincture can become your THC vape juice.
This is how to achieve that:
- Cut up your plant material and decarboxylate it for 35 minutes in an oven set to 230°F.
- Put the decarboxylated marijuana in a 32-ounce (quart) Mason jar.
- Add 32 ounces of the strongest alcohol you can find. However, avoid isopropyl alcohol at all costs. Everclear works great.
- Tightly cover your jar. Here, a screw-on lid does a great job.
- Shake well.
- Put the Mason jar in a brown paper bag and keep it in a cupboard or closet. The tincture won’t go bad if you store the jar in a sack and keep it somewhere dark and out of the sun.
- Keep an eye on the spot where you keep the brew. Warm or at room temperature is preferred; not hot.
- Observe the Mason jar for 30 to 60 days (the longer the better).
- After the steeping time is up, filter the liquid through cheesecloth to get rid of the plant material.
- To maintain the liquid’s potency, keep it away from the sun in an opaque bottle.
Due to the fact that it just contains alcohol and marijuana, this sort of THC vape juice is relatively watery, while other homemade products (such as cannabis oil and liquid THC) may be thicker than others.
All is not yet over in case you achieve one of these thicker forms. Only additional ingredients will do to thin down your mixture. Propylene glycol (PG) or vegetable glycerin (VG) are useful in this situation. By following the steps one by step, high chances that you’ll successfully make THC vape juice at home.
A Few Details About VG & PG Ratio
VG is a transparent, odorless liquid produced by plant oils like coconut, soy, and palm.
The ester molecules in the oil are released from their bonds during hydrolysis, allowing them to interact with water to create VG. The end result resembles maple syrup-like gunk that you may sprinkle on waffles or pancakes.
PG is just like VG, however, it’s formed from the combination of molecules rather than breaking them down.
If you’re a chemistry pro, you know that propylene glycol is represented using the formula C3H9O2. You will find propylene glycol components in various beverages and foods since it helps to evenly distribute flavors.
Here’re some distinctions between PG and VG:
- Thicker consistency
- Has a natural taste that may influence the flavor
- May leave a residue in the vape pen
- Produces huge vapor cloud
- Thinner consistency
- Tasteless and does not have any effect on flavor
- Low likelihood of leaving a residue behind
- Bigger throat hit and thinner cloud
For vape juice factories, PG or VG, or even both are used as a base where all the remaining ingredients are mixed. Actually, most of the THC vape juice that is commercially manufactured contains 90% PG or VG with the remaining 10% consisting of flavorings and THC.
From that, you can see the power of tincture or THC oil. Even though it makes up only 10% of the entire mixture, it has a considerable impact.
How to Determine the Dosage?

Usually, when you purchase THC vape juice from your local dispensary, you will see the correct dose of how much liquid to consume as indicated on the label. You will also find information on the quantity of THC available in the dose. Adhere to the instructions to achieve the best outcome.
In the case of a homemade THC vape juice, there is a challenge when it comes to determining the amount of THC present. Take it in small quantities and slow in the beginning. Naturally, THC vape juice has a higher concentration compared to the traditional dried bud, therefore you might need several THC vape juice hits to achieve your desired high.
One of the good news about vapes as well as vape pens is that it’s not a must you take all the liquid at once. It’s different from a Thai stick, blunt, or joint, where you have to smoke to the end once you start blazing.
Using a vape pen, you can take a hit, put it away, and then take another hit some minutes later. Therefore, it’s possible to experiment with the number of tokens you need to be high and good.
Having that information, it’ll now be possible to know the amount of THC vape juice you need to have a great smoking experience. In the long run, you’ll end up saving cash or your THC vape juice.