New Talk: FDA Tobacco Chief Discusses Vape Products Relative Risk


In an vape-related article published in Addiction Magazine, Brian King, director of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), explores the chances and considerations for informing adults who smoke cigarettes about the relative dangers of tobacco products, including vapes.


The commentary highlights the findings of a recent survey about misperceptions of tobacco product harms, including cigarettes and e-cigarettes . The survey found that only about 20 percent of adults who smoke cigarettes believed vapes contain fewer harmful chemicals than cigarettes.

While there are no safe tobacco products, the available scientific evidence indicates that tobacco products exist on a continuum of risk, with cigarettes being the most harmful.

The commentary discusses the need for clear communication about the risks to adult smokers, while also aiming to prevent youth initiation; encourage first-line use of FDA-approved cessation therapies; and for adults who both smoke and use e-cigarettes, reinforce the importance of completely transitioning to vapes.

The article concludes by highlighting the CTP’s commitment to utilizing evidence-based strategies to inform adult smokers about the risks and promote cessation. This includes ensuring that communication efforts effectively reach diverse populations and address any misconceptions or misinformation.

Currently, the FDA is in the early stages of a research effort to assess messaging about the continuum of risk of tobacco products among adults who smoke.

Vape talk never end

Brian King’s article emphasizes the importance of providing accurate and comprehensive information to adult smokers about the relative risks of tobacco products, including vapes. The goal is to empower smokers to make informed decisions about their health and promote smoking cessation.

donna dong
Author: donna dong

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