Vape Leaking Issues: Causes & 9 Ways to Repair It

why is my vape leaking

Every vaper occasionally experiences vape leaking issues from vape tanks. You spend the entire day walking around holding a jar filled with fluids. Even while it may irritate and frustrate you, it’s not the end of the matter. Normally, all you require is a simple clean up before moving on with your day.

While the occasional vape leaking is totally natural, you may require these tips to remedy your leaky vape tank if it happens frequently.

#1 Secure your vape tank

Start off with something easy. If you notice e-liquid leaking from your tank’s joints, check to see if all is properly connected. Are the tank’s top and bottom secured in place? E-liquid may leak from any gaps created if the tank’s component pieces aren’t correctly fitted together.

Not too tight, though… Don’t overtighten your tank’s components, especially the bottom where the coil is located. Cross-threading may also result from the inability to separate them from one another again. Vape juice may leak from the tank when the threads aren’t correctly seated together.

In addition, check that the atomizer head is correctly fitted and that each component is properly screwed together. Ensure that it is fully screwed inside if it needs to be attached to the tank. Be sure to fully enclose push-fit coils. You may get your vape leaking due to the lack of a seal unless the coil is installed correctly.

#2 Appropriately fill your vaporize tank

The filling process is one of the most frequent causes of your vape leaking. You must correctly fill the vape tank. First and foremost, watch out not to overfill the tank. To help generate a vacuum in your tank and to stop e-liquid from dripping from the airflow holes, you should always be able to see an air bubble at the top.

Ensure that no e-liquid is going down the chimney if the tank has to be unscrewed to be filled from the top. For beginner vapers, it is a hollow tube running through the middle of your tank and is not intended for e-liquid since it will simply exit your tank through the bottom. Pour the e-liquid into the top-filling tank while tilting it slightly, as if you were refilling a glass with soda. As you approach the top, gradually straighten while keeping in mind to once more leave a small air gap.

#3 Check the coil and vape juice combination

vape coil and vape juice

There is a coil within the vape tank, and you may presumably select from a variety of resistance levels. In addition to performing differently, the various resistance coils are best suited for various kinds of vape juice.

Any coil with a higher resistance than 1.0 ohm will generate less vapor, give you more of a throat hit, and offer you a vaping sensation that is comparable to smoking. High-resistance coils require a higher draw than ordinary coils because their draw is more constrained.

Higher PG concentration e-liquids are best used with higher resistance coils because they are thinner. However, if you select a high VG level e-liquid, a much thicker juice may have trouble wicking into the coil, requiring you to pull more forcefully than necessary and maybe forcing e-liquid from the tank.

Anything below 1.0 ohm, or a sub-ohm coil, produces more vapor, has a tiny throat hit, and has considerably more open airflow. There is less resistance while drawing from a sub-ohm coil since the draw is airy.

Because they are thicker, sub-ohm coils work best with e-liquids that contain more VG. Because the e-liquid intake holes on such coils are larger, using a thinner vape juice won’t prevent the coils from flooding. Already there is a bunch of e-liquid inside the coil when you draw, and it has no place to go. The only two ways it can leave are through the mouthpiece and the airflow openings.

#4 Don’t smoke, vape like a vaper

Using an e-cigarette incorrectly can definitely result in vape leaking. Although they both feel extremely similar, vaping and smoking are different activities, and vaping requires different techniques than smoking would.

When you smoke, there is a burning object already lit. Your job has already been completed. To smoke, you can take quick, short drags.

It takes more time to vape. It takes time for the atomizer head’s coil to heat up when you push the button, and it takes time for e-liquid to be pulled into your coil before it can be converted to vapor. Your draw ought to be prolonged, consistent, and gradual. Your e-liquid may leak if it doesn’t have enough time to vaporize.

#5 How old is the coil in your vape?

burnt vape coil

Your vape device might not operate properly if the coil hasn’t been replaced in some time. Every vape coil needs to be changed at a certain point. You might experience signs that the tank is about to leak before they entirely stop functioning.

They might become more difficult to draw on, vaporize your e-liquid improperly, or emit a burnt flavor. This ought to be the first inspection if you start leaking all suddenly and haven’t replaced the atomizer head in a while.

#6 Check the power settings on your vape mod

If your e-cigarette has adjustable settings, like all vape mods do, you must ensure the power is set to the ideal range for the attached coil.

The optimum power range should be imprinted on the atomizer head. You should select a setting that is halfway between the bottom and top wattage recommendations. Therefore, if it is advised to use between 5W and 15W, choose about 10W.

Your coil won’t be receiving sufficient power to generate vapor if the power setting is too low. To avoid having e-liquid force it’s a way through the bottom of the vape tank, you must not draw too forcefully on the vape.

#7 Is the tank on your vape broken?

Even though it may appear obvious, your vape tank could be damaged in some places. Determine whether the plastic or glass has any tiny fractures through which e-liquid can leak.

Additionally, you may observe that there are tiny rubber seals when you remove the bottom or top of the vape tank. When built, your tank won’t form a tight seal if these are damaged or missing, which could result in your vape leaking. Check to see if the parts you receive with your e-cigarette tank or kit need to be replaced.

#8 Does RDA or RTA leak?

The wicking should be your first point of inspection if your rebuildable tank is constantly leaking.

Generally, this is what’s to blame. The e-liquid will simply seep out the airflow holes if you lack sufficient wicking material because there won’t be enough cotton to keep it in the dripper or RTA. With a little more cotton, try re-wicking your tank. However, not excessively, as that brings about another set of problems.

#9 Keep your vape tank upright

Our final recommendation is also the simplest. Don’t simply lay your vape tank down. There is a purpose for the flat bottom that nearly all vape pens and vape mods and vape feature.

Your e-cigarette tank should never be laid flat and should always be stored standing up.

My Vape Review
Author: My Vape Review

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